Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Cats, Desert Boots, and Models- Oh my!

School is almost out for me!! Woooo! YEAH! Smiles! I am so pleased to have lost some weight (finally). My biggest secret? I am destressing. I am calming myself down from getting mad. This has helped me enormously! I'm currently 35-28-35.5 and my goal looks near! (35-25-35) So now I wish to post happiness and inspiration!

THESE BOOTS! (ebay link ;) )






Tuesday, October 16, 2012


 Great Necklace!!

Lindsay Ellingson

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Studded Oxford Flats, Blonde Miss Lindsay Ellingson, and Hot Pink Bikini!!!

I really want these shoes, but they aren't in my size :'( The listing is on ebay:

Nature Breeze Cambridge STUDDED SPIKE OXFORD Flats - Beige - SIZE 8

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Pin this!!

These I just wanted to pin but Pinterest wouldn't let me! :)

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Friday, May 18, 2012

uncovet shop style

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Back From Spring Break!

I got super sick over spring break so I was only able (and motivated) to run once and did abs once. Anyway, I'm in a very busy school schedule now (excited!) and I'm taking a boot camp gym class. So I'm feeling motivated.

7 Good Foods to Improve Moods

Stressed: Eat Chocolate (particularly dark chocolate)
the Journal of Proteome Research, found that eating just a smidge of dark chocolate (about 1.4 ounces) has the power to lower the stress hormones cortisol and catecholamines in the body, reducing your anxiety and giving you a better chance to get the job done

Sluggish: Have a Spinach Salad 
Eat folate-rich foods like spinach and other leafy green vegetables as well as potatoes, fortified breads and cereals, beans, peas and mushrooms.

Cranky: Eat an Apple with Peanut Butter

Crankiness can be a sign that your body needs fuel. Just be sure to refuel the right way: with foods that don’t leave you with a blood sugar crash an hour later, setting the crankiness cycle in motion all over again.

Carbohydrates are a great source of energy that quickly burns out. Adding some fat or protein will slow the digestion process, causing your sugar and energy levels to remain stable for a longer amount of time

Anxious: Eat a Salmon Burger
Salmon is one of the richest sources of omega-3 fatty acids, a nutrient that may help tame your anxiety. 
Dr. Ilardi says it’s best to stick with fish: “The specific form of omega-3 that most strongly boosts mood is found most abundantly in coldwater fish such as salmon, herring, sardines and mackerel.”

Angry: Sip Green Tea 
Green tea contains theanine, which calms you and helps you maintain clear concentration and focus

Sad: Eat Whole Grain Cereal with Low fat Milk
Vitamin D helps in the production of serotonin. Serotonin is a neurotransmitter known as the “feel-good hormone”.
If you’re low on vitamin D, you may be affecting your body’s ability to stabilize your mood and reduce feelings of depression. To boost your intake of vitamin D, turn to lowfat fortified milk, fortified cereals or mushrooms.

PMS: Eat an Egg-Salad Sandwich 
If your go-to PMS meal usually comes in the form of comfort food (mac ’n’ cheese, potato chips, ice cream) consider making an egg-salad sandwich instead. In the days before your period, it’s normal for women to begin craving carbohydrates. Carbs help your body boost its serotonin levels, in turn helping you improve your mood.
Opt for whole grains, such as whole-wheat bread, and for extra PMS-zapping strength, pair them with tryptophan-rich protein such as eggs, sunflower seeds or turkey, which may enhance the release of serotonin.
Cut the mayo and mix your diced hard-cooked eggs with a teaspoon of fat-free or lowfat plain Greek yogurt and half a teaspoon of whole-grain Dijon mustard.

Monday, February 27, 2012

A Quick Post

My bday was yesterday so yay me. I'm not a teenager anymore! (Finally!)
Also, in my last post I mentioned that I wanted to avoid sweet until my birthday... That went as planned EXCEPT I did have a Valentine's day dessert (ice cream). But I consider it a win.

This video is also a win for abs:

I've been super good at working out consistently so I'm really proud of myself. I've been running for 15-25 minutes (not including warm-up/cool-down). I've made progress on my incline ability too. Not that I want to build bigger quads, but that is why I do intervals of walking/sprinting/jogging/etc. which helps beat boredom too... My current workout and pump up song is Pink's "Missundaztood" and Alex Winston's "Velvet Elvis" :)


Thursday, February 9, 2012

Water Lillies, Oatmeal, Workouts...

Check this out: It is a short story that is beautiful and sad... Read it HERE, it is called Water Lillies or Painting Water Lillies.

Anyway, it is almost my 20th birthday and I feel like I should make a small fitness goal to reach by then. I mean, it is in almost 2 weeks so nothing drastic, but some sort of goal. I guess my goal is going to be No Sugary Treats until my birthday - and then I will make a cake or something. My dad just turned 50 two weeks ago and his goal was to have a six pack (abs) by his birthday. I don't think I'm quite there yet! (Neither is he, but he thinks he is :) )
This weekend my college is having a semi-formal gambling and dancing event so I've been pretty good about cutting late night and evening carbs - but my period hit my like ton of bricks and literally had me bedridden for nearly two days. I am border-lining on having an iron deficiency (Time to up the spinach and beans!) and, apparently, bleeding profusely isn't beneficial! -_- So I was very dizzy and weak yesterday and in intense pain the day before. I have been putting off going to the gyno or doing any sort of pelvic exams because my aunt had a cyst that really inhibited her ability to have kids and I'm kind of scared. Her biggest symptom was incredibly painful cramps and that is me! But, on the flip side, maybe this means I don't actually have to use birth control which would be super nice considering estrogen can hinder our ability to lose fat. Not good! Moving on from my health problems...
I've been really good about getting my morning green tea in! I just really like waking up and having a cup of green tea. I feel better about myself! And I have been having good breakfasts - I'm trying something new. I've been buying soy yogurt and adding frozen blueberries or raspberries and then adding a sprinkle of Special K Protein Plus (low carb) cereal and another sprinkle of dry oats. When I have a little more time/energy in the morning I've been trying to get my oatmeal on! I usually make it with water, but I forgot to fill up my water bottle (we are not recommended to drink the faucet water in this city) so I used my soy milk - it is WestSoy brand and the nonfat version so it is very thin. It was sweet enough that I didn't have to add a packet of Stevia like I normally do. Then I add on some frozen fruit - the raspberry is really good! I love breakfast and I think it is sooooo important - as in, I DIE without a good breakfast. A pb&j (or a[lmond]b&j) is also good in the morning, I've found!

This is a fitness video I'm planning on doing on Sunday:

Ok, time to do calculus!