Friday, November 11, 2011


Okokok. I have this friend (no really... I swear it isn't me!)... So this friend of mine, she thinks that if she constantly goes on and off of colon cleanses, she will be "skinny". While she is my friend... let's just say we aren't friends based on her smarts... Either way, she was crazy about this one brand that she had bought two or three times. "Select Greens" is the brand I believe... She was so pumped about how it made her "shit her brains out" and "never feel hungry" and "lose, like, seven pounds!" And I was pretty skeptical. I did a colon cleanse awhile ago with my mom (we have Irritable Bowel Syndrome so my mom thought it might help). In my opinion, it just made me have to go to #2 more urgently... But that was over two years before my friend did her whole colon cleanse phase (which she has yet to overcome). Short story, shorter: I did a colon cleanse (not Select Greens) and, honestly, wasn't impressed. Especially because I live in a dorm so I had to do my "business" very secretively and in random building... AND it made me sooo hungry that I was eating up a storm. So I'm not sold on colon cleanses, but I am trying it again. This time I'm modifying the regimen though. I'm taking the recommended amount (2 capsules) a couple (2-3) hours before bed. I drink 8-16 fl. oz. of water with it too. Most importantlyyyyy, I'm doing it every OTHER night. So far (third or fourth day... I can't quite remember) this has really only helped me be more regular. The one thing I have noticed about severely restrictive diets is that you don't eat much so you don't shit much. I don't feel good when I don't "go".
Ok. Enough of this TMI stuff...
I read this article about colon cleansing and why IT DOESN'T WORK and HURTS YOU and IS A SCAM. It is very interesting. Basically, the cleanses take the toxins and release them into your blood stream which only creates a toxic environment in your blood. Ideally the cleanse should release toxins through urine or feces. So yeah. It is trying to sell you a product (of course) but the science seems legitimate. I looked for, like, 20 minutes to find it... Can't. BUT I will keep trying and post it. :(


So I've been having a big problem lately with... cookies. My boyfriend knows that I'm trying to be healthy but sometimes he finds me when I'm having a "I'm so fat! Why can't my love handles disappear?! I swear my butt got smaller and my legs have gotten bigger!!!" episode (which I try to keep private... -_- ). He tries to be really supportive by telling me how pretty I am and how when we met he constantly thought about how good my thighs looked and stuff like that... You see, that is phase 1 for him, phase 2 is going out and getting me cookies. Two - four a day. Everyday. As much as I love him, HE IS KILLING ME WITH COOKIESSSS! He specifically gets me cookies because he knows they are my weakness (formerly ice cream, but I'm lactose intolerant... and in my opinion so is everyone else in the world... DOWN WITH THE DAIRY INDUSTRY!). He thinks that I'm depriving myself by avoiding cookies. This is false. I feel really positive about myself when I avoid the free cookies in the cafeteria at my college. And when I eat them... I feel worse! So bringing me cookies is a double whammy of sadness! And he thinks it makes me happy... then again he also says that he thinks I look "so cute" when I eat cookies because I look "so guilty". Umm... what? Yeah. This has been going on for almost 3 weeks now. I neeeed to have another "serious chat" with him about my hatred of cookies... or desired hatred. Ughh!


Today's Stats and inspiration:

W: 141 (Goal: 138 --> this is my old plateau)
UG: 35-26-35 (w:h = 74%)

Photo inspo:

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